Sunday, 12 December 2010

Warm as Toast in Brussels

The Coalition are doing a great job trying to sort out the deficit, education, welfare, transport, the prisons, the NHS and the Armed Services amongst other things and perhaps do not have the time to concentrate on issues like Global Warming and the EU. This is a great pity as a vacuum has arisen which needs desperately to be filled by a statesman with foresight and the guts to shrug off the opprobrium his speeches would attract. Such statesman's message would be twofold - first that for the EU to survive the Euro has to be wound up and secondly that before another penny is spent on the Global Warming strategy a proper scientific investigation needs to be carried out in a transparent manner. This does not mean that this ranter has change his mind about the EU - he passionately believes we would be better off out but that the only way to exit is in an orderly manner which cannot be achieved whilst the Euro problems are the focus of the EU leaders. This does not mean either that this ranter believes in Global Warming, man made or otherwise, but is prepared to abide by the findings of a properly balanced scientific inquiry as I'm sure it will vindicate the conclusions of the scientists who do not accept the views of the warmist scientisits. By good argument and perseverance a statesman could achieve both these aims. He would have to be a Government minister perhaps or at least someone with the necessary clout and stature. But who? There's the rub. I had hopes for Hague but he seems to have lost the fire in his belly that he had when he was Leader of the Opposition. Cometh the hour cometh the man, as they say. Well I damn well hope so.     

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