One has to admire the chutzpah of the committed global warming believer who tells us that this year has been one of the hottest on record despite temperature readings and empirical evidence which show otherwise. It is like the Serco representative who despite empirical evidence to the contrary could not accept that the variable speed limits on the M25 created jams rather than helped the traffic flow. The chaos algorithm Serco used was possibly too conservative - in any event in my view it kicked in a reduced speed limit too soon and to too slow a speed. Better not to have interfered with nature. The same surely goes for global warming which, if it is happening at all, is a natural not a man made phenomenon.
Why is it that so many African countries are unable to handle the results of elections? It seems that despite the Electoral Commission announcing that the Opposition leader had won and the UN representatives involved in the election believing likewise the President's man on the Electoral Commission has now ruled that the President won after all. Another example of chutzpah or gall every bit as breathtaking as Woolas's statement that today's High Court judgment has created uncertainty, which of course he would not have said if the judgment had gone in his favour.
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