Thursday, 16 December 2010

Is Huhne Pointless

The answer is certainly yes. With the temperature in London now at 1 degree celsius Huhne has announced 'green' energy package which is going to cost all of us an extra £500 a year for us to heat ourselves. Huhne can of course afford this nasty little stealth tax but what about the rest of us? What is particularly galling is that by ruining the country side with wind farms and solar panels, all of which are pretty useless as we know for producing electricity, he refuses to make any significant investment in other alternatives including gas, shale and nuclear. Why is this? It is almost as if there is a conspiracy amongst governments against the continued use of existing fuels. Surely to God there are those amongst our politicians who are as aware as the rest of us that global warming warnings are dubious at least. Why don't they speak up? Why, apart from Lord Lawson, is there no well respected politician out there putting the argument for a re-assessment of the 'science' of man made global warming. Of course we should preserve the environment, that has always been a Conservative tenet, but not in this extreme and unnecessarily costly way which is itself so destructive of this green and pleasant land. And what about this rubbish carbon market - words fail me.....     

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