Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Tea Party

It seems the Republican Party has been celebrating its victory in the Mid-Terms at a tea party. Has Messiah Obama now become Bummer Obama? Unless he can tack to the centre over the next couple of years it seems he will have a hard struggle to retain the White House. Whether he does so or not will equally depend on whether the Republicans can assimilate the Tea Party people comfortably into their ranks and produce a manifesto that appeals at the Presidential Election to the American grass roots. I am envious of the Americans that they still have the ability to choose. Where is our choice in the EU where a secretive elite decide what is good for us without any democratic input from the people. The Constitution imposed on us all without a vote that is leading to even greater centralisation of power in Brussels is now to be amended again without any democratic input from voters to impose central control over borrowing, tax rates and spending of each member state. We had the oldest, most sophisticated, successful and envied form of governance in the world but have sleep walked into arrangements that ignore our history and belittle us. Our politicians of the three main parties have let us down. We have been made to feel guilty about our glorious past, particularly by those on the left and in the BBC. This has so enfeebled us that we have failed to defend our interests in any other theatre than war. The fascist/socialist regime in Brussels will inevitably increase our taxes, impose stifling regulation, reduce our ability to trade and to grow and otherwise drag us down. I have every confidence that at some point we will say that enough is enough. I am though impatient to have our own Tea Party now although to be effective we will first have to have open primaries to select all Tory party candidates. That is the lesson of the Tea Party, which is that to be effective you must be part of a main stream party and not a different entity like UKIP.       

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