Saturday, 6 November 2010

Phil Woolas

At some Labour Party conference today Ed Balls apparently led a round of applause for Phil Woolas. Presumably it was to show appreciation for all Phil Woolas has done for the Labour Party over the years and not a comment on the guilty verdict delivered yesterday. It does not sound like a reprehensible action, indeed some might say that it would have been reprehensible on the part of Balls not to have led a round of applause. Woolas has always demonstrated by his actions that he is a truly tribal member of the party even though some of his actions during the last election were found to be in contravention of the law. Ed Balls is a fully paid up member of the Labour tribal section and now that Brown has disappeared into the ether, he will have become leader of that section. Now he is no longer an MP will Woolas do a Dubya and eschew all further involvement in politics? Apparently Dubya is shortly to be seen on the Oprah Winfrey show being interviewed about his autobiography during which he confides in Oprah that he has no further interest in politics. Apparently also his book lavishes praise on Blair. There was something dysfunctional about Dubya as there is about Bummer Obama. Bummer announced on his arrival in India today that $10 billions worth of business deals have been set up which will create 50,000 jobs back in the old US of A. Sounds a little fanciful. What are the jobs? Call centres in places like Detroit?   

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