Just in case you had forgotten Mr Van Rompuy is the President of the EU. Why does the EU need a President? After all it is not a country. But you will say that it has a constitution whatever the likes of Gordon Brown may pretend. Is it therefore a constitution in search of a country or is it in fact a constitution of an actual state? The evidence suggests the latter since we have this President Van Rompuy and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Baroness Ashton and are about to have a whole series of Ambassadors spread worldwide. (What does the word 'Security' in her title mean by the way? It must have some meaning. Is she not only EU Foreign Minister but also EU Minister of Defence?) I am not aware that any of us were asked if we wished this country to become a province of a different state. I think that if we had been asked that a majority of us would have said 'no'. I also think Van Rompuy has a bloody cheek saying as he has today that the time of the homogeneous nation-state is over. It is simply not true although for him as a citizen of Belgium, a failed nation state, it may look that way. His logic, like his looks, is also awry. There is no imperative in this globalised world for homogeneous European states to merge into one country. It is perfectly possible to live as an independent state in harmony with one's neighbours with whom one has trade and other treaties. To me that is a far more satisfactory solution than being bullied into being a part of some superstate which is very far away from being the type of democratic entity that I can recognise.
A superstate which for reasons of corruption and incompetence cannot even get its accounts sorted out. I am so glad though that Van Rompuy has identified that there are Eurosceptics lurking in many other member states of the EU. It gives me hope that all Eurosceptics throughout the EU will one day band together to change it to an outward looking trading block. The Berlin Wall eventually came down although I doubt that the collapse of the EU will take that long. Certainly not after more speeches like that of President Van Rompuy.
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