Tuesday, 30 November 2010


A strike is a protest by other means and it is clear that unless the protesters have a real passion for what they are protesting about that repeated protests about the same issue will eventually just fizzle out. So in such cases employers and governments have to hold out until the protesters get bored. So it is with those BA cabin crew of whom many do not believe they have a cause and are embarrassed by the greed demonstrated by their colleagues. So it is with the tube train drivers who know that not only are they well paid but that the change in working practices Transport for London want to introduce are reasonable and make sense. So it is with with the students who pretend that they are going to be greatly disadvantaged by the introduction of the new tuition fee regime - they say the poorest students will not be able to afford tuition fees whilst knowing full well that they do not have to make any payment until they are earning £21,000 a year and then only a minimal amount a year until their debt is paid off. If students do not understand that then how the hell did they manage to pass any exam to get into a University in the first place? It seems that some of the students are schoolchildren and other protesters are not students at all and are old enough to know better. The decision of LibDem MPs to abstain or vote against the introduction of the tuition fee changes is pathetic. Are they representatives of all their constituents or just a mandate for their supporters? What does their constitution say about giving a specific pledge on an issue that many of their candidates did not support? Furthermore it seems that LibDem policy on tuition fees was in the course of changing at the time of the election from one against to somewhere in favour. They gave a hostage to fortune and are now being hoist on their own petard. Surely they have someone amongst their ranks that is intelligent enough to wriggle them out of the ridiculous position they are now in and save Vince Cable from looking like an idiot by proposing legislation which he then votes against.  

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