Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Richard III and Barroso

Has Richard III's body been found buried under a municipal car park in Leicester? The car park stands on the site of what was originally the Church of a Friary before Henry VIII had it destroyed during the Reformation. The skeleton is scoliotic i.e. shows curvature of the spine making the right shoulder higher than the left but not a hunchback nor a withered arm. Whether it is Richard III or not will be determined by a DNA test involving a direct descendant of Richard's sister, Anne of York. If it is Richard III where will his skeleton be re-intered? There is a good argument that it should be placed in a mausoleum in Leicester Cathedral. Although not a Cathedral at the time of Richard's death as there was no Bishop of Leicester between the time the last Saxon bishop fled from the Danes about a 1000 years ago and 1927, the Cathedral could well do with a bit of publicity in a City that has become a town from a different land since World War II. Perhaps the re-internment could also be used as a reminder of the City's English origins and the need for those origins to be respected not only by the immigrant population but also by those in the EU that seek to expunge England as a nation and replace it by meaningless regions so beloved of John Prescott. It will be too much to hope that the message of our nationhood will get through to people like Barroso who has today made a breathtaking announcement that he and the European Commission will be working towards treaty changes to usher in a Federal State of Europe. He will find that this will be a complete turn off in this country and no doubt in other countries too which will vigorously resist the introduction of such an institution. The time has now arrived to tell Barroso and van Rompuy and the European Commission our terms for remaining in the sclerotic EU of which it becomes clearer every day that we are better off out unless the rules are dramatically changed in our favour. There is absolutely no way that we can allow the EU to impose on us any control, for example, over the way the City of London operates since to do so would lead to our impoverishment. An impoverishment that I suspect Paris and Frankfurt are already working to achieve. By the way, if Barroso were to be killed in a battle today and his body buried in what was later to become a car park how much interest would there be even 10 years from now on his body being re-discovered?              

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