Thursday, 13 September 2012

Obama Fails Again

The world is getting smaller in many ways and particularly in the West. It is not getting small enough  though as far as religion is concerned and certainly not in those places peopled by overwhelming hordes of savage, ill educated fanatics like the unwashed rag heads of Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan and so on. With all the experience of the past few years about how any criticism of Mohamed can lead to violent demonstrations it seems remiss, to say the least of it, that the U.S. State Department didn't appreciate that the film "Innocence of Muslims" could cause the riots that have so far resulted in four deaths. The film was made apparently by a Copt living in California who often posts anti Muslim videos on YouTube and who must be known to the FBI or whatever agency it is that is responsible for overseeing people doing those kind of things. The U.S. authorities must therefore have had some idea about when this film was going to hit the street. It beggars belief therefore that not only didn't anyone think the film would be seen as inflammatory but that security was not extensively upgraded at all US Missions in Muslim countries before the films release. Bummer Obama was sleeping on his watch. Romney is right to say that Bummer Obama's appeasement policy simply isn't good enough. Bummer Obama has given the impression that the U.S. is withdrawing from its super power role and of course the vacuum that this has caused will lead to violence. For this reason alone I would vote for Romney if I were an American. The other reason would be the economy. QE3 will prove to be a damp squib just like QE1 and QE2. If these had worked there would be no need of QE3 but they didn't so why QE3? Why throw more good money after bad? What needs to be done as here is deeper and quicker cuts. Not more borrowing and postponement of the cuts until some future date as the world, particularly in our case, will soon cease to believe we are determined to sort out our finances and force us to pay a lot more for our borrowings.  

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