Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Boos for Paralympic Audiences

There is a certain attitude attached to the Paralympics which is unsettling and which seems to be saying 'aren't we of the left superior to the rest of the world by the way we support the disabled'? This attitude manifested itself through the boos with which George Osborne was greeted the other day in the Olympic Stadium and the cheers for Gordon Brown on the same day. John Phelan in The Commentator blog has a very good point in his post about the ignorance of those who cheered Gordon Brown and which you can read here. The arrogant idea that only those on the left appreciate and support the disabled is appalling particularly when you think that disability is politically blind and can strike anyone from any walk of life and particularly when the revenue to help the disabled comes just as much from the right as from the left. Sometimes some members of this Nation make one sick, not only like those who booed Osborne but cheered Brown but also like those who are selling T-Shirts at the TUC conference bearing a slogan about dancing on Thatcher's grave. I suppose though one could take it as a back handed compliment that this remarkable woman despite the Unions' plans for us managed to thwart them but it is more like a display of jealousy because there has never been a Labour politician who achieved so much for this country as Maggie did. Certainly there is no Labour politician who either commands the same respect or the same level of hatred. You only have to look at Blair, probably their most successful politician, to understand the truly third rate quality the Labour movement aspires to in its leaders. And Ed Miliband continues the tradition with his 'predistribution' philosophy, if that's what you can call it. Anyway it is a somewhat unworkable idea that could mean each individual being given a pot of gold the value of which will depend on his/her wealth at the time of the donation. What value of pot will be given to the penniless child of a wealthy parent? The rules and regulations needed to make predistribution will make the current welfare system look like a picnic. Miliband would be better trying to understand free markets and how they benefit society!            

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