Friday, 15 June 2012

Onwards and Upwards

Charles Crawford has written a post on the Commentator blog that is both informative and sane. You can read it here. Until I read Crawford's post I had thought that the entitlement concept was something that we were grappling with only in the UK believing that it was something only affecting us Brits. How relieved I am to know that it is not only us that suffers from this disease and I even dare hope that it did not start here but that we became infected by it from abroad. When writing this I am asking myself why I should feel this way and am convinced that it's because of the anti British propaganda pumped out by the BBC and certain other media outlets as well as certain politicians. This anti British propaganda saps our self esteem and leaves us lacking confidence in ourselves. After all we have been told by programme after programme on the radio and TV how truly awful we are as a people, that no decent person would colonise peoples and countries, that no decent people would fight wars for land and wealth and how we are to blame for all the wrongs in the world. But now I come to think of it there is another side to the profit and loss account. We gave our colonies the rule of law and a governance system that if they followed it worked well. It is not our fault that some of our colonies spoilt the fruits we had left for them. Are we responsible for murderous scum like Idi Amin and Mugabe? No, of course not and it is time that we cease being apologetic as it implies we are guilty of all the woes we are accused of. Sure we made mistakes and did some unforgivable things but on the whole we achieved a magnificent profit that we should celebrate in programme after programme and in our schools. Let's know our successes as well as our warts and let's not be diverted by those who would diminish us for their own selfish purposes and let us stop the BBC working for our competitors.

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