Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Barroso the Clown
Barroso has proved what some of us have long thought about the EU. That it is the refuge for the self-loving, self-satisfied simple minded autocrat since no one but an ignorant idiot would have made the kind of remark he made yesterday about the cause of the euro crisis. One wonders whether he made the remark off his own bat or whether he had discussed it with his staff and others in the Commission first. If the latter then the organisation we are a part of is as evil as the most sceptical amongst us have been warning us for years. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has a great piece in the Telegraph today about Barroso's woeful ignorance which you can read here. Carswell also has a good piece on the same subject in the Commentator blog which you can read here. Cameron should expose Barrosos's ignorance in the same way he has lashed into Hollande's tax policy. The exodus of French high rate tax payers to these shores is reminiscent of that of the Huguenots. Huguenot refugees were of considerable benefit to this country as no doubt will be the tax exiles. The other part of Barroso's remark that was risible was that he needs no lessons in democracy nor in economics. On the contrary he needs every lesson he can get on on both as Ambrose E-P makes abundantly clear in his piece. We all know to our cost that the euro fails every economic test and we all know to our cost that there is a huge democratic deficit in the EU. What anyway would a third rate politician ex-Maoist like Barroso know about democracy? We must be mad to be involved with these people like those who think the Leveson Inquiry has been anything other than a grandstanding event for Leveson, his chief interrogator the supercilious Jay, certain celebrities and politicians. The Leveson Inquiry is worse than a complete waste of public money as we have learnt this week that Leveson demanded that Gove be gagged for his views on the circus. Gove came out for the freedom of the press and let's hope Cameron does the same by kicking Leveson's final report/recommendation into the long grass where it deserves to rot away into a fine illegible powder. Otherwise we shall become subject to state control over what we can write and say a la 1984. We are of course part way there with Labour's equality and anti discrimination laws and also with the European Arrest Warrant. It is about time these dangerous illiberal laws were repealed.
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