Saturday, 9 June 2012

Europe Needs a Statesman

A brilliant article this morning by Charles Moore who must be one of our greatest journalists at this time. If you haven't read it you can read it here. The Spanish bail out is the next nail in the coffin for the euro and still the eurozone fanatics keep pushing the can down the road instead of putting in place a scheme for the termination of the euro as we know it that will do the least amount of damage not only to to the eurozone but the rest of the EU and the world. You would think that one or two top euro politicians would want to do something to soften the blow that an unplanned break up of the euro will result in. One can only conclude that there is no statesman in Europe since the leaders we have all wear rose tinted spectacles. This is a role which frankly Cameron should be filling, which he could fill if he were not so concerned by how it would be received by his fellow leaders. With disaster staring us in the face the moment has surely come when all Europeans need to be told the truth about what will happen unless the euro is broken up in an as orderly manner as possible and how the break up can be done in the least harmful manner. Funnily enough Cameron is in the perfect position to say what needs to be said. He is the leader of a country which is not in the eurozone but which is closely allied to the countries which are in it and which will be significantly adversely affected by the break up. He is not able to be wholly objective but neither can he be regarded as someone who is wholly subjective. His speech or rather his advice should be given from that perspective and even if it makes the eurozone leaders angry initially it should make them think which is after all what any friend who was concerned not only about the effects of the actions of his friends on him but also on them should try and do, make his friends pause and reflect.      

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