Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Useful Idiots and Extreme Muslims

Unless I'm looking in the wrong places there seems virtually nothing in the UK which reports or comments on what the Muslim extremists might be doing surreptitiously in this country to change our laws and culture. As with any underhand operation those guilty of this pernicious enterprise manipulate useful idiots to try and change the people's attitude to Islam. There is a far greater awareness in the USA about the insidious methods of extreme Muslims to try and change the American way of life. In particular people like Brigitte Gabriel, herself of Christian Lebanese origin, tours the States giving lectures on what is going on so that her fellow citizens are aware of the advantage that is being taken of the good nature of Americans and their willingness to listen and try to understand and be fair to alien religions and cultures. Brigitte Gabriel has pointed out that certain state schools are giving their children a three week course in Islam, with a visit to the local Mosque and during Ramadan asking the children to fast for a day so that the children can empathise with muslims. This is despite the law in the USA prohibiting prayers in state schools. As a result of what is going on in the United States a significant portion of their home grown terrorists are converts from the various strains of Christianity that are practised there. Apparently there as here there is pressure on the courts to introduce certain aspects of Sharia law. There is also pressure through violence and intimidation to ensure that somehow Islam is treated in a more respectful way than Christianity and Christians. We should stand rigorously against this. We have our laws, our traditions, our culture and these can only be changed through an Act of Parliament. Until then Muslims will either have to adapt or shut up. They will also definitely have to obey all our laws as we obey them without exception - no arranged marriages, no mutilation of women, no so called 'honour killings' (they are murder) and no other Sharia law. The government should make this clear beyond peradventure.  

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