Friday, 24 February 2012


The LibDems agreed to the NHS Bill when they signed the coalition agreement. It has already been watered down and now we learn they want to water it down further. It should never have been watered down in the first place but to expect it to be watered down again only goes to prove what has always been said about the LibDems - that the only principles they have are the ones that put them in the driving seat. The behaviour of the LibDems reminds one of the French attitude to a contract. The French will only comply with the terms they've signed up to for as long as it suits them - thereafter they do everything they can to change the rules to their advantage including punching, biting and pulling hair. No wonder the LibDems feel so comfortable with the EU. In these cases there is only one way in which to proceed and that is to ignore the blighters completely. Fulfil the terms of the coalition agreement to the letter and let the LibDems go hang. Labour will try to exploit the split but let them. Their policy on the NHS is a return to the status quo ante Blair and thus inconsistent in large measure with the reforms the Labour government had previously proposed to implement. Cameron should be making this point at every available moment and thereby knock the stuffing out of Miliband. Miliband was silly to say that the NHS reforms would be seen to be Cameron's poll tax moment. It is clear to everyone, other than possibly Mr Joyce, that it is nothing of the sort. Such remarks always backfire and will do so here. The LibDems are in for a torrid time on the Budget, the NHS, the EU and House of Lords reform which will make some of us really rather happy.  

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