Friday, 25 February 2011


Bummer's foreign policy continues to fail. He and Hillary Clinton, his useless Secretary of State, have been totally rudderless throughout this whole Middle East crisis. In order to leave the shifting sands of their desert policy they are now trying to anchor themselves to some stable ground in the form of Britain and France. A somewhat risky proposition knowing how readily the French are to quarrel with their so called allies and to veer wildly off in a different direction if they think by doing so they can improve their status - in this case over oil. As to attaching themselves to the Brits it is difficult to see what we can offer apart from our knowledge of the region since we have reduced our weaponry to probably less than that which is prudent. Perhaps Bummer thinks Cameron is the man to follow in these overseas exploits and it is true Cameron is the most natural statesman of the leaders of the three countries but is our Foreign Office up to the mark? Not if the fiasco over the extraction of our nationals is anything to go by. However Hague has been otherwise quietly impressive. Perhaps there will be a good outcome after all for the UK and an outcome which washes away the shame of the rapprochement with Gaddafi. The US did the West no favours when it forced Britain and France to cancel their Suez operation.    

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