Tuesday, 1 February 2011


I had thought that the days of betrayal by the British for imagined gain had ceased many years ago. Who these days for example remembers that we gave up Heligoland to the Germans in exchange for a tract of land in Africa towards the end of the 19th Century? Who remembers that we were accused as a result of betraying the natives of that German offshore island that had for generations before it became British in 1807 been Danish? I was much surprised therefore to learn today that we gave up the mass murderer al-Megrahi of Lockerbie bomb notoriety to Lybia for a mess of potage. That by a Labour government which constantly boasted about its ethically pure foreign policy and which pretended that with them in control we had somehow become a young country. Lies on both counts, just like the lie that they had abolished boom and bust. Blair and Brown should be made to eat dirt and Cameron must not shrink from revealing the appropriate government papers so that we can see exactly what kind of shoddy deal was done in our name. Apart from the enormity of this scandalous act of betrayal of the victims and their families and of this country's reputation for fairness we should know what it was that possessed Blair and Brown to go down this route. What possible guarantee could they have obtained to ensure that Lybia will live up to its part of the bargain? I can't help feeling that yet again we have been duped by wily foes who astutely judged that Blair was a naive and gung ho  schoolboy looking to make a splash in the 'Great Game' and that Brown was a buffoon way out of his depth in all such matters.     

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