Tuesday, 22 February 2011


To use his language there is no doubt that Gaddafi is a 'mad dog'. Is his total disregard for others and his willingness to destroy opponents psychotic? How can one treat such a person? Does he need to be put in an asylum for the rest of his life? Will he be shot? In his speech today he says that he is a poor man but this is hypocrisy since as leader he will never have put his hand in his pocket and will always have had access to and use of the best of everything. Witness the mansion his son Saif rented whilst he was a student at LSE. Where did the money to pay the rent come from if it didn't come from the public purse or at least originate there. What is it about these people who think they are the only ones who can govern their country, that they are the embodiment of their nation and that only those who are loyal to them, whilst they are loyal to them, are worthy citizens. The defections from the regime clearly demonstrate that its members are well aware that it has run its course although no doubt in the interest of self preservation further defections will wait until Gaddafi has gone altogether. If he remains those who defected will be mercilessly dealt with. It has to hoped that their brave action is not in vain.  

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