Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Labour Hypocrisy

Labour's hypocrisy in choosing Hester's bonus and its condemnation as the subject of one of the Opposition Parliamentary debates is quite staggering. After all it was a Labour government which wrongly bailed out RBS and which settled the terms of Hester's contract. Miliband was a member of that government. His hypocrisy will rebound on him. It is also breathtaking that Miliband should have the gall to say that Cameron has sold us down the river on the fiscal union treaty. Much to my surprise and delight Cameron did not sign up to the treaty yesterday. From all the reports I read yesterday I thought he was going to cave in completely like Blair and Brown. Cameron has in effect though said that the eurozone countries can use the EU institutions to run the treaty process. Not to do so would look mean spirited. Generosity on that could be used as a bargaining chip on something else and one hopes that the government will have the guts to use it at an appropriate time and will not be pusillanimous about taking complaints to the ECJ if the eurozone countries abuse the latitude we've given them. Not that a complaint to the ECJ is likely to prevail, hell bent as it is on turning all EU members into one state by any means possible. Frankly if Miliband wants to have any authority on issues relating to either the EU or banking he needs to apologise profusely for not holding a referendum for the last treaty we signed up to and for having put this country into the truly dreadful economic mess we're in.  

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