Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy New Year

Despite the denial of the euro elite it has become even more clear that the euro cannot survive for much longer. Whether or not the euro's implosion will cause as much havoc as the euro elite are saying is doubtful but there is no doubt it will be painful for a time. That is what makes it clear as well that to reduce the damage an orderly wind up is needed which must involve the departure of the Germans and the strong economies from the euro in order to allow the euro to devalue before Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy and everyone else left in the euro convert from the devalued euro less painfully back into their original currencies. There is no reason why the EU should not survive this although the EU should at the same time make some fundamental changes so that it can become a proper free trade area. If the EU cannot change then it will implode also, in part because without change we will eventually have to leave it as it is killing our ability to trade in the way we need and want to trade. We will probably need to leave the EU anyway since there is disquiet in the French Alps and no doubt in the Dordogne and elsewhere at British entrepreneurialism. Examples given to me by a French businessman friend from the Alps include the taxi service being run by Brits out of Chamonix, the independent ski schools run by Brits and more worryingly for my friend the incursion of Brits into the local building industry where the Brits are buying property for development or refurbishment and instead of using local labour are bringing in teams of east europeans to do all the work. A number of local craftsmen  and so on have no work as a result. French farmers are always demonstrating to get their own way and succeeding and it will not be a surprise if other French workers start demonstrating and getting their own way too. This will bring the single market to a crashing halt or should do. What is going to bring the ruinous climate change policies to an abrupt and overdue end? Surely there must be an epiphany moment amongst Tory MPs on this issue soon.

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