Monday, 11 April 2011

Book Burning and Other Things

Why does the BBC accept almost without question statements made by those who are opposed to anything the government does, in particular any government in which the Conservatives feature? A lot of air time has been given to Dr Peter Carter's statement that the proposed reforms will be a disaster without emphasising his vested interest and without discussing in any real detail the rebuttal of the government on the question of the increase in the numbers of nurses employed by the NHS. The BBC gave considerable air time today to the head of the Patients Association who was an unthinking supporter of Dr Carter. Unthinking in the sense that she stated calls to the Patients Association helpline proved that there were fewer nurses and that the cuts would reduce the NHS front line staff. She represented that  calls to the helpline amount amounted to irrefutable research to which the BBC should have said "Hang on a moment - aren't your members going to use your helpline when they need help and why does that prove front line staff have been cut?" Apart from checking his facts and not making ridiculous statements about the numbers of black students admitted by Oxford or about how most of the faults in the world are down to us Cameron should be making sure his administration is run efficiently and trumpeting the incredible advantages this country has given to the world as indicated by Niall Ferguson in his book Civilisation. Cameron should also ensure that his government sticks to the NHS reforms and treats those who burn the Koran in the same way as those who burn the Bible.

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