Thursday, 7 April 2011

All that Glisters is not Gold

The EU if it were not such a duplicitous, costly, anti-democratic, fascist, corrupt organisation would be a farce and as is appropriate for all such organisations has a leader who matches its ridiculousness. Mr Van Rompuy, who looks like a scarecrow who has been dragged through a hedge backwards, is not only a joke but is pretentious as well. He has said that the EU "should take the credit for international action which prevented a 'bloodbath' in Libya". He went on to maintain that the air strikes would not have been possible without the clear position taken on Libya by the EU. This is an extraordinary claim as I seem to recall that Germany decided to abstain from voting on the UN resolution sought by the French and the British and that nothing would have happened to help the rebels if it were not for those two countries and the grudging support of the Americans. Is it any wonder that even the young are turning away from the EU recognising how insular is mainland Europe and how the UK is a global player and indeed always was until that little Englander, Ted Heath, did his deal with Pompidou and signed us up to the Common Market. My father always told me it was a big mistake. He voted against in the 1975 referendum. I voted in favour thinking we were part of a super market. How wrong I was and how much I regret my vote. All that glisters is not gold!     

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