Wednesday, 19 January 2011


Fascinating the statement by Sir Nicholas Macpherson that the Labour government lost control of spending at the Ministry of Defence and the Departments of Health and Education. Not that one is surprised but how Labour can now say that the deficit was solely as a result of the global banking crisis, a fall in tax revenues, the increase in unemployment and the need for a fiscal stimulus beggars belief. Nothing whatsoever to do ith the policies and the loss of control over the finances of this country. Labour also mismanaged certain EU payments in the agricultural sector and as a result we are going to have to pay the EU £1 billion in fines. In view of the failure of the EU to deal with fraud, which is costing this country considerably more than £1 billion, I think we should set off all fines against the money stolen from us. Such a set off would put pressure on the EU to get its house in order. If we cannot have a proper democracy in Europe we can at least ensure that we only pay what we have agreed to pay net of all fraud.    

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