Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Obama Loves French Fries

Bummer is at it again claiming that the French are the United States's greatest ally. Bummer has of course to distance himself from everything Bush  said and did but the Americans felt very differently when they were frustrated by the French whilst trying to get a resolution about Iraq through the Security Council at the UN. So angry were the Americans that they even refused to eat French Fries and a number of restaurants changed their menus by calling French Fries something else. One has to laugh but on the other hand Bummer is showing all the gift for government that our late lamented leader Mr Brown showed. I do hope someone puts him out of his misery by beating him at the polls at the next election. I hope so for our sake as neither he nor the third rate Hillary is a friend of this country and I do not trust them to do the right thing in an uncertain world. We have been lucky so far that there has been no international crisis of the kind that occurred in the Bush years as I have no confidence that they could do any better, indeed as they are bleeding heart liberals they will inevitably do worse. Of course Bummer has to go to to Tucson but there is a nagging thought that says the real reason he is going is for party political purpose not for national interest. Until the mid-term elections he had demonstrated his Brown like tribal roots and I don't think that he's suddenly become more impartial or even handed. 

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