Thursday, 26 July 2012

Should Cameron Go?

Osborne has had an unsurprising bashing in the press today. He is said to be a brilliant political strategist but that claim is now clearly seen as just hype or spin. If he had been such a clever strategist he would have understood better the dangers of the policies he has pursued, forget the U-Turns which are merely tactical errors and which he can easily surmount, and prepared us for the possible bad news that might well come our way and which indeed have arrived. Neither Osborne nor Cameron come across as passionate. That is possibly not a failure in a Chancellor but becomes one when the Prime Minister is lacking in that regard too. That is why Boris Johnson is popular because one senses that he has real feelings about certain issues rather than ones manufactured by focus groups. What do Cameron and Osborne truly believe in? Why don't they have the confidence to stand up and be counted? Why are they always looking over their shoulders at the Lib Dems and floating voters and poking their natural supporters in the eye? On the one occasion Cameron was seen, possibly in error, as standing up for Britain's interests at the December EU summit his stock went up hugely. Is it too late for him to make a come back? Is it too late for Osborne to come back too? Neither can do himself any harm by at least openly fighting for his job. They should forget about focus groups and instead take the advice offered to them today by Allister Heath in his own paper here and in the Telegraph here as well as by Alistair Thompson here. Cameron and Osborne must spend the summer planning on how to take back the initiative and to hell with the Lib Dems. If they fail then they will have to go and I for one shall support those MPs prepared to wield the knife against Cameron. Labour have an uncharismatic, awkward, lightweight leader. To be beaten by him would be unpardonable but that is what is likely to happen if Cameron fails to get his act together by the autumn and the Tories then fail to replace him.     

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