Saturday, 17 December 2011

A Funny Thing Happened at the EU Summit

I hear from someone with good Downing Street intelligence that at last week's EU summit Cameron had all other 8 non eurozone countries ready to say 'no' to the Merkozy proposal but that van Rompuy persuaded them after hours of debate to change tack as to do so would satisfy the markets that something was being done to save the euro and furthermore would result in the talks concluding within probably an hour but certainly in no longer than two hours. Cameron pleaded with the other 8 to stand firm with him as the markets would not be taken in for a moment and saying he would vote no anyway. Cameron was quite right about the markets but why has this story not been reported by the media? My guess is that Cameron does not want to embarrass the other 8 particularly as several of them now seem to be back tracking from the qualified 'yes' they gave to the Merkozy plan. Clegg's attitude to the events of last week get curiouser and curiouser. First he says he supports Cameron, then he says Cameron got it wrong and has left us a pygmy amongst other nations, isolated and without influence and now it seems he is saying we still have influence over the EU agenda and it is significant that we have been given observer status at talks about fiscal union. Clegg is clearly a hard man to pin down, rather like the Vicar of Bray. Perhaps the way the French have behaved has persuaded him that even LibDems would agree with normal people that the French need taking down a peg or two. Perhaps he is struck by the fact of Mrs Merkel calling Cameron since the events of last week in what is understood to be a friendly exchange. Clegg presumably knows the detail of what was discussed between Merkel and Cameron and realises things are not as bad as he thought them to be and that he went too far with his remarks on the Marr show last Sunday. Whatever, Clegg has demonstrated his irrelevance.  

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