Friday, 21 October 2011

Trafalgar Day, Austerlitz and the new Continental System

This day in 1805 the Battle of Trafalgar was won and for 120 years the Royal Navy on behalf of Britannia ruled the seven seas as ordered so to do in the words of that immortal anthem Rule Britannia. For as we all know Britons never, never shall be slaves. What a joke though that statement of defiance, Britain against the rest of the world, seems to be today. What a pusillanimous lot our forebears would think we were for failing to do our duty and standing up to all the crap heaped upon us by the EU to which for the sake of a peaceful existence we have become slaves. We can see how we have given up by the way the Dean of St Paul's has given in to the Occupy crowd. Although only a Canon at St Paul's the Rev Richard Harris Barham (Thomas Ingoldsby of The Jackdaw of Rheims fame) would no more have allowed the Occupy rabble into the Churchyard than joined the Roman Catholic church. He was a Tory after all and will have rejoiced at Nelson's victory and at the freedom England had won this day all those many years ago. Shortly afterwards in December 1805 Napoleon won the Battle of Austerlitz and set up as Daniel Hannan reminds us here the Continental System which was a kind of customs union for the great benefit of France and the detriment of Britain. Britain's subsequent blockade of the continent though led eventually to Napoleon's undoing. The EU has us in a straitjacket from which we need to free ourselves and the only way we can do it is to withdraw from its grasp. There is nothing wrong in Cameron trying to emulate Nelson and there is nothing wrong in Osborne seeking to do as Barham would have done and remove the rabble from our Churchyard by freeing us from the new Continental System. After all Osborne and Barham both went to the same school.      

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